Self-announced as "the Designer Toy Awards finalist for World's Shittest Toy," the Super Sucklord parody artist Schmucklord ...
Designer Toy Awards finalist for World's Shittest Toy: Schmucklord's "Super Crooked Art Moves" (S.C.A.M) Raffle #2!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
August 22, 2014
Rating: 5
Super Sucklord parody artist Schmucklord continues to embrace his slogan of "Another Shitty Toy You Didn't Get To Buy." Wh...
Schmucklord's "Super Crooked Art Moves" (S.C.A.M) Raffle #1 on his Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
July 14, 2014
Rating: 5
The fine folks at are giving away the above pictured seven figures to people that help them spread the word about thei... Massive Figure Giveaway Online of Dunnys, Bot, FatCap & more!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
May 29, 2014
Rating: 5