Photo taken at Media Preview Night by Toys_ETC Take the immediately recognizable style of lowbrow contemporary artist Luke Chueh an...
Luke Chueh × Mighty Jaxx's "Batbear (Black & Gold)" Resin Bust Releases This Weekend!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
September 09, 2016
Rating: 5
Take the immediately recognizable style of lowbrow contemporary artist Luke Chueh and sprinkle in the costume of one of the most iconic ...
The "Batbear" Cometh… Luke Chueh × Mighty Jaxx's Resin Bust Releases This Weekend!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
May 31, 2016
Rating: 5
In 2005, comics readers were introduced to the Marvel Zombies universe in the pages of Ultimate Fantastic Four , written by Mark Millar (h...
Don P brings the Marvel Zombies versions of Hulk & Iron Man to life in Dunny form!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
July 30, 2014
Rating: 5
The stylings of Frank Kozik once again collide with the characters of DC Comics courtesy of Kidrobot 's official license, allowing f...
Frank Kozik × Kidrobot × DC Comics's mustachioed Batman & Superman Labbit Plushes!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
July 29, 2014
Rating: 5
While we've already seen these Uglydoll designs executed in plush — see HERE — it's now time for Funko to produce vinyl version...
Uglydoll × DC Comics's Batman & Superman inspired vinyl figures from Funko!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
December 06, 2013
Rating: 5