Ah, "Ironside Battalion"… The first of six figures in Sam Fout 's proposed "Satan's Aces" figure line. While i...
Sam Fout × DuBoseArt's "Satan's Aces: Ironside Battalion (Orange)" Resin Figures!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
October 27, 2016
Rating: 5
We gave you all a teaser post HERE last week, and we are already seen 4 of the 8 designs revealed for the upcoming " Artpin Collecti...
Designs from Sam Fout, Scribe, Gary Ham, & Steve Purcell for "The Artpin Collection" revealed!!!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
January 11, 2016
Rating: 5
We've been loving these little bastards, but haven't heard much since February on them (see HERE , HERE , and HERE ). Part of the ...
Sam Fout × DuBoseArt's "Satan's Aces: Ironside Battalion" Resin Figures Coming Soon!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
June 22, 2015
Rating: 5