Kat Brunnegraff has been painting Pokémon pieces like a madwoman, hoping to produce at least 100 of the adorable 5½ × 5½" acrylic on...
Kat Brunnegraff's Pokémon painting pieces of "Mew" and "Gothorita" with more on the way!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
December 16, 2013
Rating: 5
Artist Ben DeFever has been a fan of Pokémon for over 15 years now, so it only made sense that when he created pieces for Kidrobot's ...
Pokémon's Ash and Pikachu as Gangstas?!? Custom Munny & Dunny by Ben DeFever!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
September 19, 2013
Rating: 5