And it would come to pass that on the 7th day of the 7th month a collective of 7 sculptors shall gather… and it would be called a "Sept...
OhNo!Doom's "Septenary" show includes Lana Crooks, J.Shea, Chris Ryniak & Amanda Louise Spayd's sculptures!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
July 05, 2012
Rating: 5
Just last week we posted up quick little blurb about the upcoming "Relentless" show that is going to feature the M. Collective at...
'Relentless' Show @ OhOnDoom! featuring Tyler Coey, Yosiell Lorenzo, Brent Nolasco & Matthew Ryan Sharp
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
May 08, 2012
Rating: 5
The M. Collective will be having their first exhibit as a whole at the OhNo!Doom Gallery , but who are they? Founded in 2009 by Tyler Coe...
Tyler Coey, Yosiell Lorenzo, Brent Nolasco & Matthew Ryan Sharp at OhNo!Doom Gallery!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
May 03, 2012
Rating: 5