Over a year in the making within Brutherford Industries 's secret factory of wonders, the "Very Metal Ice Scream Man Bite Size...
AVAILABLE NOW: Brutherford's "Very Metal Bite-Size Ice Scream Man" Pewter Alloy & 18k Gold figures!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
July 04, 2014
Rating: 5
Hahaha, the perfect combination... crime fighters and ice cream as Brutherford Industries has teamed up with the folks over at Clutter t...
Brutherford Industries Ice Scream Man "Dork Night" edition release at Clutter's NYCC 2012 booth!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
October 08, 2012
Rating: 5
When we announced the Bite Size Ice Scream Men blind boxed series and provided you a ratio guide, we noted that there would be a "su...
REVEAL: Brutherford's Bite Size Ice Scream Men Golden Ticket by Kevin Herdeman!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
June 29, 2012
Rating: 5
Phewwww... these weeks keep on flying by, and it's already Friday again... but I am cool with that because it's another epic FREE GO...
Free Goodie Friday 06/15/12 on SpankyStokes.com - Win a case of "Bite Size" Ice Scream Man figures from Brutherford Industries!!!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
June 24, 2012
Rating: 5