Introducing the incredible “Melting Man!” While not necessarily inspired by 1977 sci-fi horror film of the same name, Méxican artist El H...
El Hooligan’s “Melting Man” Golden Ticket Custom Dunny for DMX4: Vault of Horrors!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
October 15, 2015
Rating: 5
If you've been collecting Dunnys for a bit, then you will remember that they used to include Golden Tickets in their blind boxed serie...
New Year's Resolution for Kidrobot #3: Bring back the Golden Tickets for Dunny Series!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
January 01, 2015
Rating: 5
Flawtoys returns with his "Dunny Double-Cast" resin 3-inch figures, first spotted at this year's ToyConUK , in an exclusive...
Flawtoys's "Dunny Double-Cast" Golden Tickets for the blind boxed Dopevinyl Custom Series!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
June 17, 2014
Rating: 5
Who wouldn't want to win some Hand-Painted (HP) figures by Joe " Splurrt " Merrill himself, right?!? Merrill is making three...
Win some hand-painted sofubi figures from Splurrt! There are three chances to win!!!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
March 21, 2014
Rating: 5
So, as we all now, the previously announced "Fresh Batch" blind boxed custom Dunny series organized by ToyKick will be made av...
Fuller Designs & BowoBaghaskara's custom Munnys for ToyKick's "Fresh Batch" blind box series!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
June 14, 2013
Rating: 5
We posted up a teaser HERE back in January for the first blind box series from the Vinyl Thoughts Nation... and now we have info not only...
Vinyl Thoughts Nation "Dunny Blind Box Series 1" with Golden Ticket revealed and designs from Scott Kinnebrew!!!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
April 01, 2013
Rating: 5
Not every gunfighter could be The Fastest Gun In The West (in fact, only one truly could), so someone had to be "The Second Fastest G...
Mr. The Sanders's "The Second Fastest Gun in the West" custom Munny Bronze Ticket!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
February 07, 2013
Rating: 5
When we announced the Bite Size Ice Scream Men blind boxed series and provided you a ratio guide, we noted that there would be a "su...
REVEAL: Brutherford's Bite Size Ice Scream Men Golden Ticket by Kevin Herdeman!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
June 29, 2012
Rating: 5