Canadian artist Dope Chief is tired of waiting for "Professor Farnsworth" to be officially released in Kidrobot's Futurama ...
"Professor Farnsworth," from Futurama, comes to three-dimensional life by Dope Chief's hand!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
July 15, 2014
Rating: 5
Based off the 6-inch tall "Wooden Bender" figure from Kidrobot's officially licensed Futurama line, Reet Neet (R3) of Dunn...
Reet Neet (R3)'s "Colonel Wood Bender" Steampunk Style custom exclusively from Mintyfresh!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
March 18, 2014
Rating: 5
Artist Ben DeFever customizes a 6-inch tall Zoidberg figure, from Kidrobot's Futurama line, into good ol' uncle "Harold Zoi...
Zoidberg's uncle "Harold Zoid," from Futurama, comes to three-dimensional life by Ben DeFever's hand!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
December 05, 2013
Rating: 5