Check out this custom lego scene of a 'Fatcap Vandal faced Bomber' that UK based artist Hoakser recently created. It stands 9.5cm...
"Build Ya Skillz" when Lego goes urban... a new 'Fatcap Vandal faced Bomber' diorama from Hoakser!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
April 30, 2014
Rating: 5
Holy crap, I can't even begin to fathom how many hours of work this must've been… Don P completely resculpted a 7-inch tall Fatc...
Hey, Kidrobot: Please make Don P's "Totemis Animalis" custom into a production piece!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
March 10, 2014
Rating: 5
Like some cycloptic robot merged with an early hardhat deep sea suit, the "Diving Officer Brockington" custom by Reet Neet (R3) ...
Reet Neet (R3)'s "Diving Officer Brockington" Steampunk Style custom FatCap commission!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
February 24, 2014
Rating: 5
It's been the better part of a year since fans were treated to Josh Mayhem 's Gunny series debut, which effectively recreated Dunn...
Josh Mayhem's "Gunny Series 2" debuts with custom Dunnys, Fatcap & Micro Munny at DCon!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
November 06, 2013
Rating: 5