We'd previously announced the "Mini Tooth Decay" resin pieces from Scotland-based artist Chris " Creo Designs " A...
Creo Designs's "Signature Enamel: Copper Death" of his skull-tacular "Mini Tooth Decay!"
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
August 15, 2014
Rating: 5
A little more than a year after the release of the "Tooth Decay" resin figure (see HERE ), creator Chris " Creo Designs ...
Creo Designs's skull-tacular "Tooth Decay" resin figure returns… in Mini form!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
August 08, 2014
Rating: 5
The Little Ox Gallery is having a fantastic group show entitled "Twenty:Twenty," wherein 20 talented artists will each be selli...
alto × Creo Design's "Glow-in-the-Dark Little Ox" edition for Twenty:Twenty exhibition!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
November 30, 2013
Rating: 5
Creo Designs 's created this unique, one-of-a-kind, and very special "Tooth Decay" resin piece for The Clutter Gallery '...
Creo Designs's "GID Sugar Skull Tooth Decay" resin piece for Clutter's Gift Wrapped show!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
November 18, 2013
Rating: 5
It's been some time since we have seen a new release from Creo Design, but today they have just announced a really gun looking new fig...
Creo Design is proud to present the long awaited release of the SlumberBean 'Flavour Friends' series!!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
October 18, 2013
Rating: 5
Ever since the announcement that Jon-Paul Kaiser would be doing a live customizing event at ToyConUK of the brand new "Giant Monst...
Jon-Paul Kaiser's custom "Giant Monster Embryo" by Taylored Curiosities x Creo Design!
Reviewed by Nick Curtis, the Art Toy Advocate
April 08, 2013
Rating: 5