Frank Montano announces the release of his BETA vinyl DIY (Interview & Details)!
I love DIY designer toys... that's where it all started for me, at least with the customization aspect of them (stripping a 3" Dunny and making it my own)! I loved that feeling and being able to create, and that's one of the reasons I wanted to make a DIY Stroll... to share that with everyone! That being said, artist Frank Montano of The Feast Studio is excited to announce the release of his BETA figure as a Vinyl DIY - and it's perfect! Standing 4" tall and ready to customize, Frank plans on launching this via his online store HERE on Cyber Monday... and I thought I would ask him about this project, so check out the little interview below!
Spanky: Hey, Frank! Super excited to see that you have your new DIY figure in hand and ready for the world! What can you tell us about BETA… where did the idea come from, and was there and ALPHA?
Frank: Over the last 10+ years I’ve dedicated my time to designing, painting and sculpting custom toys. It grew into being able to find a style and esthetic that felt true to me. I've always enjoyed sharing the process of my work to inspire others, but the idea didn’t start until I thought "I’m sharing all these cool videos, I should give my viewers and fans something to try”. Creating BETA just felt like the next big step.
I actually have two other characters ALPHA and OMEGA that are in the works next. Along with so many new ideas that I hope add to the experience. I have a Patreon page that will start sharing more soon. Spanky: From what I can tell, this basic humanoid shape is the cornerstone for the majority of your creations, was that your intent? Did it just work so well for you, you were like “I should produce this for everyone to enjoy?!?”
Frank: BETA was constructed from all the experience I had breaking apart vinyl toys and learning how they were made. I wanted to use simple shapes that could be versatile for any artist. Spanky: I know this figure was funded through Kickstarter… Was this always going to be self produced or were there other companies possibly involved?
Frank: The idea sat in my head for a couple months while I spent some time learning about crowdfunding on Kickstarter. I wasn’t quite ready to invest in the project on my own, so I figured it’s an opportunity for the fans to support. They showed up on the first weekend and funded the entire project. Without them believing in the idea I couldn’t have made it happen. Spanky: You went away from resin, your main medium, and went the vinyl route… why is that?
Frank: I make all my characters out of resin. Usually in really small quantities. They're projects that are very special and involve a lot of attention and time. As an independent artist and business owner creating my first vinyl was something I had to figure out. My thought was it could be an affordable option for those that really want something of mine while being able to contribute their ideas. Like a collab!
When I started customizing toys I fell in love with the idea of seeing my artwork in 3D. BETA and everything I do is based off that joy. Spanky: This all sounds so great! I'm very excited for you and think this will be a great platform for artists around the globe to work on! Anything else you wanna add?
Frank: Thanks again for taking the time to cover the project. I have a Limited release happening CYBER MONDAY the 27th at 9AM PST - BETA is a 4" vinyl toy that separates in to 6 pieces. Aimed to make customizing a bit easier (with some added heat) lol, price is $50 each and will be available in White vinyl & in a Clear sofubi. Also... Micro Resin BETAs will be online in various colors and will be just $20 each!
Frank: Over the last 10+ years I’ve dedicated my time to designing, painting and sculpting custom toys. It grew into being able to find a style and esthetic that felt true to me. I've always enjoyed sharing the process of my work to inspire others, but the idea didn’t start until I thought "I’m sharing all these cool videos, I should give my viewers and fans something to try”. Creating BETA just felt like the next big step.
I actually have two other characters ALPHA and OMEGA that are in the works next. Along with so many new ideas that I hope add to the experience. I have a Patreon page that will start sharing more soon. Spanky: From what I can tell, this basic humanoid shape is the cornerstone for the majority of your creations, was that your intent? Did it just work so well for you, you were like “I should produce this for everyone to enjoy?!?”
Frank: BETA was constructed from all the experience I had breaking apart vinyl toys and learning how they were made. I wanted to use simple shapes that could be versatile for any artist. Spanky: I know this figure was funded through Kickstarter… Was this always going to be self produced or were there other companies possibly involved?
Frank: The idea sat in my head for a couple months while I spent some time learning about crowdfunding on Kickstarter. I wasn’t quite ready to invest in the project on my own, so I figured it’s an opportunity for the fans to support. They showed up on the first weekend and funded the entire project. Without them believing in the idea I couldn’t have made it happen. Spanky: You went away from resin, your main medium, and went the vinyl route… why is that?
Frank: I make all my characters out of resin. Usually in really small quantities. They're projects that are very special and involve a lot of attention and time. As an independent artist and business owner creating my first vinyl was something I had to figure out. My thought was it could be an affordable option for those that really want something of mine while being able to contribute their ideas. Like a collab!
When I started customizing toys I fell in love with the idea of seeing my artwork in 3D. BETA and everything I do is based off that joy. Spanky: This all sounds so great! I'm very excited for you and think this will be a great platform for artists around the globe to work on! Anything else you wanna add?
Frank: Thanks again for taking the time to cover the project. I have a Limited release happening CYBER MONDAY the 27th at 9AM PST - BETA is a 4" vinyl toy that separates in to 6 pieces. Aimed to make customizing a bit easier (with some added heat) lol, price is $50 each and will be available in White vinyl & in a Clear sofubi. Also... Micro Resin BETAs will be online in various colors and will be just $20 each!
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