Stormy Vault at Five Points Fest... bringing the heat!
Stormy Vault is gearing up for FivePoints Festival this year with an all new lineup of art toys in collaboration with amazing artists from around the world! This will all be showcased in Stormy Vault's booth this weekend... and they are looking forward to meeting everyone as they will be showcasing awesome art pieces in their booth (Booth#B30) at Zerospace NYC on June 10 to 11.
They are thrilled to present their collaboration with: David Bishop, Genkosha, IKY, Javier Jimenez, Botchan, Mastermindart9, Shibuya222, Theeyehaslanded, Mirffu, 48 HRS Studio, Aldron Anchinges, AM, Sungwon Jo, Boyish Doll, Breakboness, Catscanpuke, Crazy Brainsheep Arttoy, David Stevenson's Art work, Original Mexicano, Firstsight33toy, Ghost John, Hanamusic Toy, Hubba Land, Jay222toy, Jet Yau, Kaijusmuggler, Karoke Home, Katyushka Art, Kentanworks, Kholeoskull, Lab Monkeys, Lee Salvador, Littlelazies, Lovecats_cl, Marly Mcfly, Mad Monkey, Madximumdesign, Mankeeboi, Maker, Michael Chuah, Mike Wynter, Mkacpen, Poriin, Ramona Dela Cruz Gaston, Rainbowhermit, Sapientoy Studio, SuperRobotKing, The Pennylane, Thedepthsoflines, Toi Hecho en México, Uni MiMoo, Venomfencer, Vinnydemaria, Wehkid, WildPro, Zard Apuya Art, Zebulon and Zngtoys... an amazing lineup, like always!
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