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"Little Show of Horrors" Art Show hosted by Saucedrop Toys!

SauceDrops Toys is bringing their "Little Show of Horrors" to the Sinister Creature Halloween Con in Sacramento on October 22nd and via thier webstore Saucedrops.com on October 23rd! Though small, this show brings some monster talent with a wide range of horror-inspired custom Designer Toys and Art from 12 carefully curated artists, including: James Groman (jgroman60), Steve Casino (@stevecasino), Big C (@biccreates), Frank Mysterio (@frankmysterio_apc), Mr. Mars (@mrmarsstudios), SergandDestroy (@officialserganddestroy), Rik Sans (@ricksans), Bean Largent (@bean_larget_art), BREAKBONES (@breakboness), Jennifer Scadutes (j.scadutes), Motley Miscreations (motleymiscreations), and SauceSlinger (@sauceslinger)! What a lineup!!!
The show will begin in-person at booth W13, near the stage from 12:30-7:00pm PST at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Sacramento, CA and continue online at 12pm PST on saucedrops.com. You won’t want to miss the reveals over the next week and other excitement, so be sure to follow @saucedropsart on Instagram for updates. Also swing over to saucedrops.com and sign up for the launch email list.

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