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Mothership Gallery presents: 'Broken Bones' featuring over 70 new works from Klav & Frank Mysterio!

Broken Bones, a two person show featuring over 70 all new works from Frank Mysterio (Mexico) and Klav (USA) opens this Saturday, June 26th at Mothership Gallery in Philadelphia, and later online at Martian Toys. Kalv mentions that he painted 40 one-offs from a variety of designers and producers in multiple different styles and platforms including Vinyl, Resin, and Sofubi. Pieces are as small as "mini Shark Lord" from Momoco to a massive GIGATEQ (24" tall) from Quiccs. Check out some of the pieces below in the slide show!

The name of the show, BROKEN BONES was a play on both Klav and Frank's styles. However, it was also a death sentence, last Friday night (8 days before the show) Klav broke his fibula just above his right ankle in an ice hockey game and is waiting on a decision to see if he needs surgery... that being said, he's planning on being at the gallery (on crutches) for the opening. This show is going to be epic... don't miss out!

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