PLUTEUS giveaway announced from 6Forest Toys!
The folks over at 6Forest Toys are doing a really cool giveaway... one where you can win a free PLUTEUS! They are giving away 2 versions of the last remaining, highly sought after, resin Pluteus that stands almost 9" tall - yeah, this is something that I want for my collection!!! To enter, follow these simple steps to participate:
Go HERE to sign up for the giveaway. You may be able to win one of the two versions they are giving away. Pluteus full color and Pluteus Blank, to be painted on your own later.
Pluteus is the first character in the «Hangover Ghosts» series created by Spanish artist “Zeptiror”, who is currently designing the second character in the series. If you’ve been to Madrid you’ve probably seen some of his iconic Graffiti all over the city, you may have played some of the video games he has collaborated on or even seen his artworks exhibited in New York. The success of his first and bestselling 6Forest Art Toy is, therefore, no surprise. Don’t miss out on your very own Pluteus, sign up for the giveaway now! The winner will be announced on Monday, December 14.
Go HERE to sign up for the giveaway. You may be able to win one of the two versions they are giving away. Pluteus full color and Pluteus Blank, to be painted on your own later.
Pluteus is the first character in the «Hangover Ghosts» series created by Spanish artist “Zeptiror”, who is currently designing the second character in the series. If you’ve been to Madrid you’ve probably seen some of his iconic Graffiti all over the city, you may have played some of the video games he has collaborated on or even seen his artworks exhibited in New York. The success of his first and bestselling 6Forest Art Toy is, therefore, no surprise. Don’t miss out on your very own Pluteus, sign up for the giveaway now! The winner will be announced on Monday, December 14.
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