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From Spain with love... introducing BLOGGIE!

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Artists Teresa García and Pep Sempere, a working couple, recently reached out to promote the release of their very first art toy... "Bloggie"! According to the couple, "The origin of Bloggie comes from the term 'blog', a format of digital space where people can be themselves without fear of being judged by their ideas, gender ,tastes, beliefs or ways of dressing. In a fictitious digital world that, on occasions, dehumanizes the real world, Bloggie bets on fundamental values. Hence, our character is a humanized computer screen wearing glasses as a 'wink' and representation of knowledge." A fun character indeed, and they already have 4 releases ready to roll in their online store HERE.
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The first 2 figures are what they are calling the SUGAR series, featuring all BLUE and all PINK resin, these stand 4.3" tall and are limited to 100 pieces each. On top of those 2 edition, there is also the COUPLES edition, featuring the TERESA and ANGEL editions... these are fully painted/clothed and are limited to just 20 pieces each. VERY cool and very available right now HERE... head on over to snag up your very ow, and if you buy them as sets, you save some cash!

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