Whoa... talk about signing up for Instagram if you have not already as the folks over at
Strangecat Toys have teamed up with Klav9 and Sank Toys to release 3 customized
Creeping Death Sank Club figures! To enter for a chance to purchase one, do the following:
Follow @strangecattoys @sanktoys @klav9 • Repost the photo in their accounts on Instagram with the hastag #strangecatsanklottery • Tag @strangecattoys @sanktoys @klav9 in your photo • Account must be public! There will be 3 winners picked (Winners to Pay $350 plus shipping), 1st/2nd/3rd place, and will pick their desired color in that order. This starts now and ends 4/19 11:59pm EST! Good Luck!!!
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