Kidrobot is seeing the past, present and future in 2020 vision and breaking new plushie ground with a the first in a collection of limited edition 20-inch Plush Dunnys celebrating some of the artist designed Dunnys from the past. HEERRE’S DUNNY! Nearly a decade and a half after the first
REDRUM Dunny debuted as part of the first ever Dunny mini series, DUNNY SERIES 1, Frank Kozik and Kidrobot are kicking it back in a whole new way with a 20-inch plush version of one of the Dunnys that started it all... The REDRUM Plush Dunny is here to terrorize your collection because all work and no play makes Kidrobot a dull toy company! Snag one up
HERE right now for $100 a pop!
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