Kidrobot presents: Spiritus Dea Multi-Artist Dunny Mini Series!!!

The Cosmos goddesses, from left to right: Nyx (design by Lisa Toms), Chang'e (design by MJ Hsu), and Tiamat (design by Laura Colors) - Since ancient times, across all cultures and regions of the world, human history has surged with an innate desire to explain and understand our existence on this planet. A desire which serves as the basis for countless mythologies, origin stories, and folkloric tales that are often as complicated, engaging, and weird as life itself. In early mythologies, creation stories frequently involve the heavens, or the cosmos, and a divine figure that arises from the chaos of a timeless, formless void (such as a cosmic egg) to proceed with creating order. Enter the “Cosmos” goddesses of the Spiritus Dea series - Nyx, Chang'e, and Tiamat.

The Life goddesses, from left to right: Aphrodite (design by Marylou Faure), Flora (design by Muxxi), and Bastet (design by Candie Bolton) - In early mythologies, there are countless tales of gods and goddesses who serve as sustainers of health and life and general well-being. They bring the rain which nourishes the crops which nourish the people. They fill the nets with fish, the forests with creatures that may be hunted for sustainment. They gather the plants that contain healing properties. And they bring fertility to the men and women so that villages and towns may grow, ensuring the survival of the species. Enter the “Life” goddesses of the upcoming Spiritus Dea series - Aphrodite, Flora, and Bastet.

The Nature goddesses, from left to right: Azer-Ava (design by Mia Alvarez), Diana (design by Yoii), and Inari Okami (design by Tomodachi Island) -Without the natural world, there is no life. The forests which act as the lungs of the earth, the oceans that cover 71% of the planet’s surface, the 11% covered by the crops that feed us, and the macro and micro systems that link them all together – are all part of the infinite cycle of nature. And while today we use terms like “nature immersion” to describe a three-day trip where you burn PTO, in mythological times it was simply called “life.” We were just one more species on a wild planet seeking shelter and nourishment and explaining our existence through fantastical tales of gods and goddesses who created all things and even had very busy lives outside of our meager existence. Among other things, they were responsible for keeping the wheels of nature turning. Every leaf in every forest, every insect scaling a rock, every fish migrating upstream, every burrowing owl, and so much more – all had gods and goddesses that served and protected them. Enter the “Nature” goddesses of the upcoming Spiritus Dea series: Azer-Ava, Diana, and Inari Okami.

The Death goddesses, from left to right: Santa Muerte (design by Stephanie Buscema), Arachne (design by Mizna Wada), and Moirai (design by Stickymonger) - Arguably, the greatest mystery of our worldly existence, is death. We can’t seem to escape it no matter how many topical ointments we use or magical herbs we drink. It has been a source of terror and confusion and a manipulative instrument of tyranny since human life, day one. In ancient times, it was far more accepted as a normal part of the evolution of things – you live, you do some things, you die. And world religions and mythologies reflect the full gamut of death experiences. There are just as many gods and goddesses who seek to destroy you and/or control your fate as there are who seek to protect. Enter the goddesses of the upcoming Spiritus Dea series: Santa Muerte, Arachne, and Moirai.
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