As his flesh rots, and memories are new no more, her heart longingly sings a song that calls him back to her. Like waves that crash on the sandy beaches, and the first rays of light in the morning skies; no barriers and no distance can keep them apart from each other. Of the many things she recalls all of the good things and only the good things. "Keep me in your heart" she says, "for I am yours always." New from
Mighty Jaxx and artist Matt Bailey, the stunning 8" polystone collectible "
Keep Me In Your Heart" - Like wind that spreads fire, he carries her flame across the heavens and returns to her in an eternal embrace. Releasing
HERE this coming Saturday, June 15th at 6am PST via pre-order (Ships Q1 2020) for $250 a pop, don't let this one slip into eternity.
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