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"Arcoobian Jellyfish" sofubi Stroll from Toy Art Gallery... leftovers announced!!!

Convention, Kaiju, Sofubi, SpankyStokes, Stroll, Toy Art Gallery (TAG), "Arcoobian Jellyfish" sofubi Stroll from Toy Art Gallery... leftovers announced
Making its way from the deepest depths of the ocean, the once "Achromatic Arcoobian Jellyfish" (still a few available HERE) has now been spotted near the surface of the water and is filled with vibrant colors... no longer achromatic, this "Arcoobian Jellyfish" is ready to make a splash into your collection this coming Friday, June 21st at 12Noon PST via the Toy Art Gallery online store! Originally released at Kaiju Con, this factory painted edition of our 8" tall sofubi Stroll will be up for grabs for just $95 a pop! Oh, they will have exclusives and other awesome toys available as well - check out some of them below!!!
Convention, Kaiju, Sofubi, SpankyStokes, Stroll, Toy Art Gallery (TAG), "Arcoobian Jellyfish" sofubi Stroll from Toy Art Gallery... leftovers announced

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