It’s cold outside! Weather is drab and dreary and the chill keeps us indoors.
Mothership Toy Gallery hopes to cheer up that seasonal sadness with a holiday show that’s so full of cute and adorable that your eyes will be smiling. They got a small group of super talented artists together and got them to do a handful of pieces each that the folks over at Mothership Gallery thought would great for the holiday season spread. These folks, who include:
Beanie Bat, One Eyed Girl, Little Lazies, Macy McKenna, and Frank Montano, have made little balls of sweetness that will be adored by all... so the name SUGARPLUM for the show it perfectly fitting! Opening this Saturday, December 15th 6pm - 10pm at Mothership Toy Gallery... be there if you are in or around the area, if not, online sales begin at 7pm on
MartianToys.com - so if you can’t make it out or trying to avoid the weather, just curl up at that computer and refresh refresh refresh!
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