Tokay Toys is proud to present a Halloween release of their addled interdimensional street-creepers, the Shampuvians! The trio is currently up on the
Tokay Toys webshop in two color versions: "SWEET BASTARDS" and "JACKAL LANTERNS". Each meticulously-detailed, bagged & carded 3-figure set is $85.00, and comes with a diecut Tokay Toys logo sticker. These all-original high-concept characters were designed and sculpted entirely by hand, then cast in rubber (Knuckles and Blades) and resin (Shempuvian) and handpainted.

The full, bizarre backstory of the Shampuvians (and their "tactical godhead", the Shempuvian) can be read in the product description, and is also printed in full inside each header card... these figures are seriously awesome and we love how stylized they are... don't sleep on this release, and be sure to follow their
Instagram for new and upcoming projects!
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