The next Dunny series release is upon the horizon, in fact, it coincides with the best Designer Toy convention in the world... the Designer Con Dunny Mini Art Figure Series releasing at Designer Con, November 16th and online at and it features designs from:
Christopher Lee, Greg "Craola" Simkins, Deph, Flat Bonnie, Hyperactive Monkey, Paul Frank, JonPaul Kaiser, Scott Tolleson, kaNO, Chet Zar, and Ragnar... a culmination of radness that celebrates 13 years of Dcon and all the artists loyalty and creativity. The next 2 designs revealed are that of Jon-Paul Kaiser (JPK) and kaNO!
The Kraken (design by JonPaulKaiser) - JPK's reoccurring nautical tale of the Whispering Corsair Sail crew translates to this DCON Dunny. Is this scene, the crew is being attacked my the legendary Kraken. It's giant tentacles towering above the ship, prepared to crash down with all their might, oh, and rumor has it... there is a chase version of this figure - keep those eyes peeled!!!
Kung Fu kaNO (design by kaNO) - Inspired by some of my favorite things, kaNO mentions that the yellow jump suit is a tribute to one of his biggest heros, Bruce Lee. The infrared hit on the feet are from one of his favorite pair of kicks, the Nike Air infrared 90. The Yin and Yang symbol on the back represents work life, art life, and family life working in perfect harmony. When his kicks are right and everything is balanced, he throws on his Beats headphones and attacks the drawing board! Don't miss out on this series release and reveals over the next few weeks!