If you follow either
TaskOne or
Leecifer on Instagram then your eyes have been treated to some beautiful things the past few days.... and tonight we have a run down of everything you can get (almost everything) from booth #1213 during Dcon, and it all revolves around Leecifer's awesome Honoo character! TaskOne has cast up around 16 1-off resin Honoos featuring marbled, colored chromes, and transparent flakes in a variety of colors and paint schemes.

There will be an equally diverse series of techniques and finishes on at least 40 resin cast 1-off Sparks. W/ an additional micro run of 5 w/ a transparent orange version of
SSK's tiny sculpted Honoo "Sparkle" suspended in a clear Honoo Spark. These things are crazy bad ass and will be a hot commodity! Finally, a mountain of single resin Sparkles again offered in a variety of colors, transparencies, and finishes some of which were cast in various GID's. Also of note a number of blank Sparkles will inhabit a very limited quantity of transparent vinyl Honoos... and there may be some other vinyl Honoo surprises as well. Pricing has yet to be determined, but there we be limited DCon specials on almost all product, so hit up booth #1213 to check it all out!
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