Snafu Studios has been working on a fun project for the past 18 months... which launched just last week, and it fits in perfectly with the state of affairs that the USA is currently dealing with on a daily basis - introducing
Twitturd, an art toy collectible that is a satire of the sitting president and most infamous tweeter of our time.

Does this design look familiar to you... well, it should as artist
Casey Latiolais initially designed the Trump Rooster/Chicken that has
gone viral multiple times... and this new figure is much more accessable than that one, and it's super funny! Up for grabs
HERE right now via their
Kickstarter campaign, there are tons of tiers to pledge towards that allow you to help make this project reality! So go now... make your voice heard, and hopefully... this will raise awareness to reach the POTUS to please stop tweeting (we know it won't, but wouldn't that be great)! will go viral at least once ;)
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