This is one convention that flew under the radar for us, but the folks over at
Kidrobot have just announced that they will be at booth #124 during Los Angeles Comic Con 2018 (LACC) and with them, some really fun exclusives... but one in particular piqued our interest, it's the
MY LITTLE PIZZA figure from
Lyla and Piper Tolleson, daughters of world renown artist, Scott Tolleson! Standing 4" tall, this vinyl figure is set to debut at the convention for what we believe $30 a pop (speculation, so don't quote us). Also, from what we can tell, this is the alternate Kidrobot exclusive
FROZEN colorway that features some fun blue/pink color pallets - the OG edition will look like a more traditional slice.
Scott Tolleson is going over revisions with Lyla... |
My Little Pizza is an Italian pizza by the name of Paolo. Paolo’s mother and father named him this because he was tiny but had a big heart. For example, Paolo once rescued a goat from the evil Pineapple Pizza Gang. Paolo never really liked shoes because no matter how small the size was, it was too big for Paolo’s feet. He also just discovered he liked the taste of pizza and his favorite flavor was himself. Everyone loves his cheesy jokes. Lyla and Piper Tolleson are budding toy designers. Along with their dad, Scott Tolleson, the girls created My Little Pizza when they were 5 and 8 years old. Piper enjoys dancing, sketching, and playing. Lyla loves to read, draw, and play video games. Both girls enjoy filming weekly episodes of Blind Box Playhouse with their dad and having weekly drawing lessons."
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