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Foxpresso, a new designer figure from Karmieh Designer Toys!

Foxpresso, a new designer figure from Karmieh Designer Toys
"With enough coffee, anything is possible! With all the hustle going around, a fox gotta stop and smell the coffee. Coffee so soothing that it can tame a fox, Foxpresso is the embodiment of a feeling, a moment when you stop being a fox, hiding, hustling and hunting your next prey. Foxpresso Brew is just a fox that loves to enjoy those priceless moments of peace and quite." New from Oasim Karmieh, an awesome and very proud looking new figure, 'Foxpresso' is here. All this dapper looking fox wants to do is enjoy his cup of joe... and he's doing just that!

Foxpresso a new designer figure from Karmieh Designer Toys Oasim Karmieh
Standing over 7" tall and releasing in 3 different colored bow ties (Red, Black and Green), these will be up for grabs HERE as an open edition until Monday the 1st of October (international coffee day). Packed in custom wooden box, wrapped in a coffee sack along side freshly roasted Arabic beans, these 100% 3D printed resin figures are all hand painted and with each figure comes stickers and Foxpresso buttons. Oh... and the most important part, Oasim is giving all of the SpankyStokes readers an awesome DISCOUNT on this figure... just enter code SPANKYSTOKESFOX for a whopping $30 off your purchase! Don't delay, go HERE now to purchase this!

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