For people of a certain age, the
Kelis performed song "
Milkshake" is ingrained in our cultural memory, especially the catchy and risqué chorus of "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard". Perhaps not quite celebrating this but rather simply inspired by it, Philadelphia's
Mothership Toy Gallery are preparing to open an exhibition named after that memorable song's lyric, all invited artists having been provided a lifesize, retro milkshake glass cast in clear resin to modify as they saw fit. And for artist
Kevin "Klav" Derken (he of the
Creeping Death Robot Club fame) that meant fitting a large, 3D printed skull atop and filling the container itself with skulls and various robot parts, forming a true-to-name "Deathshake". Perfectly painted for a weathered and aged appearance, it's the little touches like the straw inserted through the skull topper and the tiny red skull "cherry" oozing red from the entire piece's peak that make it all the more memorable, a truly frightfully fun example of what creativity can accomplish. Hand-painted with lacquer and oil paints, this phenomenal $150 work will be available at the exhibition's opening (6pm on Saturday, August 25th, 2018 at 223 W Girard Ave., Philadelphia, PA) and — if surprisingly unsold by then — on the
Martian Toys online store an hour later.

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