When it comes to fairy and folk tales, matters involving the heart have been known to become quite visceral, and I don't just mean the Evil Queen's penchant for physically stealing them from people in
Once Upon A Time. But when it comes to a mechanical, wind-up heart, I immediately recall Kat Richardson's
Clockwork Fairy Tales contribution, "The Hollow Hounds". While I don't know if this story served as inspiration for
Doktor A when he designed his "Woodsman's Heart" hard enamel pin, it certainly brought Richardson's tale to mind for me. Part of
Art Pin Collection's fairy and folk tales series, these 1½-inch tall fashionable steampunk statements will be available in three colors — green, purple, and red — each limited to 60 copies worldwide. Releasing today (February 5th, 2018) at 7:59AM Pacific time in
Rotofugi's online shop for $12 apiece, these will also become available shortly afterwards from
Doktor A's online shop. But these heart-shaped pieces aren't the only offering from The Artpin Collective in time for Valentine's Day, as they also have the
Sad Salesman's "BFF Oracle" in blue and yellow, both limited to 75 pieces, which debut in
Rotofugi's online shop at the same time as Dok A's pins!

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