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Klav's Stunning Contributions to the Yetipocalypse Exhibition!

Philadelphia's Mothership Gallery recently had their Yeti Season 3: Yetipocalypse exhibition opening, featuring an array of talented artists working under a vague 'yeti' theme. And for the showcase, artist Kevin "Klav" Derken (he of the Creeping Death Robot Club fame) created the above-pictured "Tetsujin" work, a 7-inch tall mixture of 3d printed parts, kit-bashed elements, and oil paint & lacquer finishes. Now I know what you are thinking: What does a Japanese super robot have to do with yetis? Well, as this robotic works snow corroded hide reveals, he was trapped deep in the Himalayas, where the legendary beasts theoretically dwell. And though this stunning work as a truly vague connection to the wintery cousin of the Bigfoot, his other contribution, the below-pictured "Couple of Yetis" set, truly embody the concept. Hand-painted and modified versions of 5-inch tall Gas Collection vinyl figures, this duo are a truly beautiful rendition of fabled creatures. With both the "Couple of Yetis" set and "Tetsujin" available online now for $150 apiece, these unique works are heralding the way for more pieces by Klav that will be appearing in the Martian Toys online store in the near future.

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