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HxSaigansho’s "Giant King Gorilla-ju"?!?

We previously announced that monster making brand Hirota Saigansho, sometimes credited as HxSaigansho or HxS, had their very first solo exhibition, Soft Vinyl Kaiju Exhibition. And as the showcase is concluding its display, we've spotted this image from it, one that seems to be showing a giant-sized rendition of the company's two-headed "King Gorilla-ju"! Yes, it certainly appears that the mini and regular versions are being towered over by a massive version of the ape monstrosity, one that must stand around 3¼-feet tall (39.375 in.), assuming my math is right. While there's no word on availability for this beast, those near the Megumi Ogita Gallery (2-16-12 B1 Ginza Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0061 Japan) should hurry over and see it for themselves on this, the last day of the exhibit!

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