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Marsham Toy Hour : Season 2 Ep. 21 - XYZ!!!

This week on the Marsham Toy Hour... Aaron, of Martian Toys, makes his return to the show. They get caught up on how the first year of running a brick and mortar store, The Mothership Gallery, has gone and discuss "The Next Great Blank Contest". They also explore the many risks and challenges of running a retail store; everything from pre-orders, importing, impact of direct to market, lack of distribution, sales predicting, and more. Is Western vinyl going extinct and is Mexico the solution? And most importantly, who would Aaron want to take on in a charity boxing match? All of these are answered... well, all except for the boxing question - so sit back, head on over HERE and have a listen!

Oh... and if you haven't already, check out our podcast HERE that Spanky did a few weeks ago!

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