We you unable to attend STGCC 2017... yeah, us too! Well, the folks over at
Blackbook Toy have just put up for grabs a ton of their amazing releases from this convention... and all are available via Lottery sale! The list of items includes:
Ron English Mousezilla "Meltdown" edition, Mishka x Lamour Supreme THE BEAST "Dragon" and "Burning" editions, as well as Frank Kozik's A Clockwork Wars(one off) and Ron English V-rock boner(one off)! To enter the lottery, send email to
info@blackbooktoy.com with the following info:
Email Title - STGCC Exclusives Lottery entry *Name *Address(Don't forget to include your country and zip code) *Tel *Item name(one person/household can enter only once per item) *Instagram(if you have). The cut off for entry will be Saturday, September 16th at 8am PST and only the winners will receive an email if picked! For more info, head on over
HERE... and best of luck if you are planning on picking these up!
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