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"ALLES SWART" t-shirt preorder announced from Colus!!!

Colus made a new shirt for for this year's DCon... and yeah, it's actually just a few months away! So, rather then dropping them all on you there, he is offering up a pre-order for anyone interested that might not go to the con... or just wants it sooner. "ALLES SWART" translated from Afrikaans it means "Everything Black". It's based off of a sketch he used to do at previous DCons while doing signings... pretty bad ass!

This is going to be a very quick pre-order window because Colus needs to get them printed asap to have them in hand for the convention... so these only be available until this Friday, September 15th! "ALLES SWART" will be $20 for the pre-order and will most likely ship by mid October. Available from Small to XXL in a white discharge on Next Level 3600 t-shirt... quality all the way around! Snag one up HERE now!

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