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Cat Atomic x Corner12 - "The Atomic 12" custom Dunny series release info!

We teased the release of this rad new custom Dunny series from Cat Atomic and Corner12 almost a month ago... and, here we are, the release day! Titled "The Atomic 12", this series of seriously spectacular custom Dunny's drops today, 8/22/17 at 12:12 PST via the Corner12 online store HERE! Cat Atomic mentions "A lot of work went into making these the best customs I've done thus far. All of these customs feature different designs on the ears and chest. Some of the designs are unlike anything I've done on any of my previous Dunny's. I wish there was a way to show you these in person because the pictures do them no justice." Well... we'll just have to take his word for that, but regardless, they look pretty bad ass the way they are... and we love his style! Don't miss out on this release, these are some of the cleanest 3" custom Dunny's we have seen!

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