2PetalRose has had the concept for "Kid Katana" for a while, but it was finding the talented sculptor & 3D artist
Oasim Karmieh that pushed it forward, Karmieh having digitally rendered the design for 2PetalRose. And once the roughly 7-inch tall figure was done to 2PetalRose's satisfaction, he realized that it would be easy to resize it — as it was a 3D sculpt — into a 3½-inch mini form. But in a twist and a turn, 2PetalRose is actually now planning to debut the design with the smaller and more affordable "Mini Kid Katana"! Each figure will come with a katana, printed scroll, base & printed sashimono (Japanese battle banner), all hand cast and painted by 2PetalRose himself! In fact, it appears the only difference between the mini and regular sized versions will be the helmet, which I'd imagine wouldn't downsize well, but that top knot bun looks stellar all by its lonesome! With 2 editions scheduled to be available for pre-order in the next couple of weeks, make sure you
follow 2PetalRose on Instagram to get the most up-to-date announcements!

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