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Hexactuss x PlanetX - CONVICT edition MechaGoliathon!!!

Gahhhhhh, this figure really is one of the best we have seen in quite some time and the folks over at Planet-X are stoked to announce a brand new run of their MechaGoliathon vinyl figure... the "Convict" edition! Teaming up with Hexactuss, this release will be available via email lottery, and unlike previous releases these will be available through international mail-order service! Retailing for $220 a pop, this 10" tall beast, with 9 points or articulation, features metallic sprays of blue, black, red, yellow and silver... making up the "Convict" edition you see above! To enter for a chance to purchase it, email info@convict.jp the following info: 1.Name of the product 2.Your name 3.Instagram name 4.Your country 5.Shipping address 6.Phone Number and 7.PayPal account! orders will be accepted until June 14th 23:59pm (Japan time)... so enter now! Best of luck to all who enter... this is awesome!

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