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Ron English x Blackbook Toy - Big Boner "Mechanical Camo" & Customs!

A few new releases this week from Blackbook Toy as they focus on the sofubi 'Big Boner' figure designed by Ron English. The first... a new edition, "Mechanical Camo"! This edition is casted in clear black, rubbed in gold before painting camo pattern. Camo is painted in gold, silver, and copper, which gives Big Boner a cool machine look. As a variant, there will be one with red doll eyes... and if you are one of the first lucky 5 who purchase both, you will get a clear Big Boner for free! These will be available HERE on April 6th at 8am PST!

Also available will be some rad customs from artist Marvel Okinawa in what they are calling the "Smaragdos"(right) and "Gluttony"(left) versions! “Smaragdos” means “Green precious stone” in Greek. He has "Diamond (not actual Diamonds, of course)" eyes as well as python patterns painted on his light green cast body with gold highlights. The other one, "Gluttony", at first sight, he looks likes normal colorway... But take a closer look!! He has veins all over his body!!! These are available via lottery... and for all the info on how to enter, head on over HERE now to test your luck on these beauties!

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