If you've never heard of a jackalope, then you are missing out… A creature of folklore, this mythical United States-based animal is easiest described as a jackrabbit with antelope horns. Now, while you're still taking that in, imagine that the Easter Bunny called out sick so that the Easter Jackalope had to step in. Of course, the Easter Jackalope is named "El Borracho", or Spanish for "The Drunk", and he lives up to it by truly being "El Borracho: The Drunk Easter Jackalope"! This is the world created by the mind of
RxSeven, also known as SE7EN. He's captured the likeness of "El Borracho" on the 3-inch Dunny form, specifically using Frank Kozik's "Reindeer Games III: The Rise of Rudolph Dunny" as the base, keeping the bottle of booze accessory to emphasize his beast's drunken nature. Painted in two vibrant color schemes, themselves reminiscent of painted Easter eggs, these pieces come blind boxed inside classic plastic eggs! Limited to an edition of 10 hand-painted pieces, split evenly between the two colorways, these are available now from the
Martian Toys online shop HERE for only $100 apiece.

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