It's time to once again journey into New York City's Chinatown, as
The Super Sucklord presents his newest Suck-Salon release party! Built around a slightly belated Valentine's Day release, this party will offer forth the artist's first foray into injection-molded figures in the form of the below-pictured "The Sucklord: Lavender Chrome" pieces. Produced by Chad Herrington of
Has No Talent Bootlegs, each one of these even includes a color matched blaster accessory and L-slot firing rocket! Available tonight (February 17th, 2017) at 99 Canal St. #3C in NYC, the party starts at 7pm and goes until whenever. Can't get there? If they don't sell out tonight — and that's a big if — then they'll be put into the
Suckadelic online shop in the next few days.
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