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Jump Jumper Ant's Geisha Gynoids from Ghost in the Shell for DMX7?!?

Unless you've been completely avoiding the multitude of teasers, you've surely seen the geisha gynoids in the Ghost in the Shell trailers, their fembot face's splitting open as they crab crawl around… It's definitely a creepy moment in the live action (and GitS 2: Innocence, from whence they came), so it makes perfect sense that Méxican artist Jump Jumper Ant would want to make 3-inch Dunny interpretations of them. Known for giving her handmade pieces special resin eyes that provide a Mona Lisa effect, such as those seen here), it's going to be mindblowing to see it paired with the character's masks (pictured above). Though still a work-in-progress, she appears to be making at least three of them, which I suspect will be her contribution to the previously announced Dunny Hecho en Mexico custom series 7!

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