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First Look at Kidrobot's "Designer Toy Awards Dunny Series 1"!

As Toy Fair in NYC is wrapping up, we're thrilled to bring you photographic reveals of the upcoming Kidrobot produced "Designer Toy Awards Dunny Series 1", which takes participating artists from the DTA Dunny Show exhibition series and grants them vinyl immortalization. While this blind boxed 3" Dunny series won't be available until May, Kidrobot had factory paint samples for their booth. So, without further ado, we're thrilled to provide you with these photos by series's curator, Clutter Magazine.
Pictured above-left is "To The Moon!" by husand-and-wife duo Jenn & Tony Bot, based off of their custom design of the same name from 2014. An extremely adorable piece, the rocket pack accessory looks fantastic! If you look carefully at the topmost picture, you can also spot "Mini Melt Monster" and "Lovesick", based off the customs from 2014 and 2013 respectively. "Lovesick" really stands out to me, giving sculpted texture to the vinyl form that emulates The Bots's style, as opposed to the other two which are more flat renditions of their designs. A problem that the Quiccs designed "Baby TEQ63" (pictured above-right) doesn't have, the mech-inspired head sculpted to perfection. They did forego the resculpting of the arms to fit the hands into the hoodie's pockets, but I enjoy this difference between the production version and Quiccs's frequently used custom design. I can't wait to see its accompanying "Search" canine companion and the metallic gold coloration is great, though if these were true chrome that would've put this over the top!

Andrea Kang's three-eyed, watermelon enjoying character (above left) is simple but memorable. It's a true representation of her style, and the popsicle slice accessory is a perfect touch. Likewise, Gary Ham's "Sylvan Dunny" is a lovely rendition of the well-known design, the vibrant colors and sleek application perfectly placed. Which brings us to So Youn Lee's watermelon-headed girl, whose pastel tones seem a bit too muted in comparrison to the other pieces. Lee's original works are masterfully examples of color combinations, but it doesn't quite translate to a production piece's more limited palate.
And, finally, we see Gary Ham's "Autumn Stag Dunny" (front and back) above. This, to me, is the most impressive piece in the collection — and one I wish was produced at an 8" height instead of a mere 3". The simple wood texturing conveys the tree nature of the base, emphasized by the addition of various leaves, while the tiny Dunny sized "kids" enjoy the swing and a bit of treelimb climbing. And as the front has a decoration indicating a bowtie etched into the wood hide, the backside includes a heart with "G.H. + K.R. + C.M." written within it — or, if you prefer, "Gary Hame + Kidrobot + Clutter Magazine"! A truly wonderful homage to everyone involved in this piece's release!

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