What made Sneagator, one of the opponents of Kinnikuman (or Muscleman to us English speakers), interesting was that, as he got injured throughout the wrestling match, his laced up hide would pop open, splitting apart to reveal a new reptilian form underneath. This version, which looks like a weird alligator/cobra hybrid, was his initial form, and became the appearance of M.U.S.C.L.E. #72 from the Mattel released version. Japanese soft vinyl company
Convict have debut the pictured 9⅖-inch tall piece cast in "eraser blue" coloration. Coming with the Hand (or Claw)'s head as an extra, it makes sense this component from the uber-popular M.U.S.C.L.E. #153 is included — as the Hand is the true form of Sneagator under his multiple layers! Available now by lottery, if you would like one of these ¥6480 (approx. $57) apiece pieces, please sent the following information to
info [at] convict [dot] jp:
- Name of the product: ファイブスタートイ NSC スニゲーター(消しゴムブルーver.)
- Your name:
- Instagram name:
- Your country:
- Shipping address:
- Phone Number:
- PayPal account:
Orders are being accepted until 7am Pacific time today (February 22nd, 2017), so you have to act fast if you want one!
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