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Batman, The Joker & Harley Quinn as… Tiki Statues?!?

Once in a rare while there are licensed releases that really make one take notice, mainly because you're shocked someone conceived such a strangely amazing idea. Such is the case with the forthcoming, pictured "Teekeez" pieces by Cryptozoic Entertainment. Photographed by Happy Panda Toys at the recent Toy Fair in New York, these official DC Comics pieces are tiki statue representations of Batman, The Joker, and Harley Quinn. Now if you'd told me this was happening, I would've been dumb-founded and couldn't possibly imagine how the finished pieces would "work" — but they do! Given a textured, wooden-looking exterior, the carved-esque sculpture of these is perfectly accented by the more muted tones of the paint application. I am, needless to say, floored by how impressively conceived and executed these look! No word on release dates, but I can't imagine it's too far off as these look ready to release.

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