It's no secret that we're fans of South Korean artist
Rato Kim's "BoxCat" creation and the many innovative iterations we've seen to date, but now we expect to see some stunning one-off versions too… as part of the
BoxCat Custom Exhibition! Taking place at
Riri & Deli (566-45 Yeonnam-dong, 1st floor, Mapo-gu, Seoul) from January 12th through February 4th, 2017, this gallery exhibition will surely impress with its impressive array of 16 international artists:
林必榮 (Duck Head),
Candie Bolton,
Jongwon Choi (cacaoz),
MJ Hsu,
Tadayuki Iwa (BLACKRABBIT),
Son Ji-Young (Dressy Doll),
Thawan Khiowpiam (Topztoy),
Hoyoung Kim,
Jay H. Lee (Delitoys),
Seulgie Lee,
Winson Ma (of Winson Creations),
Remjie Malham (Remjie Dolls),
Paulo Mendes (Zukaty),
Sakubo, and
Shenly Yee (Wackymons). If you aren't able to attend but want pieces from the exhibit, Rato Kim will be
selling pieces through her Instagram account after the opening.
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