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AngelOnce x The Blind Box Network - Limited edition BLIND BOXES up for grabs!!!

You've heard him on The Blind Box Network (For The Masses Podcast & most recently The Blind Box Podcast) and if you're a fan of the art world in any way you have most likely seen his giant angry (and unquestionably pink) elephant, "Charlie", so it's only right that this round of Blind Box Blind Boxes spotlights none other than the man himself, AngelOnce! Get ready as Angel steps up to the plate for a very special, Limited Edition run of The Blind Box Network's own "Blind Box Blind Boxes"! Custom sketch cards, random stickers, mystery Blind Box items (sponsored by the good folks over at TenaciousToys.com) and your chance at a special, one of a kind, Golden Ticket by the talented @EyeHart2113 aka EyeHart aka EyeHartToys! You also have a chance at previous artist items, slaps, and more as well as pieces by this months artists including Naptime Noah, ZeroProductivy (Xmas PJ??), InPrimeWeTrust, CZeeArt, and more!!! Large boxes are limited to 10 and are set at $50 a piece and Small boxes are set at $25 and are limited to 25 so act now before they're gone!!! BlindBoxPodcast.com to place your purchase, Happy Holidays, all orders will be shipped by December 18th, 2016 (or before then if all boxes sell out) and all orders received by shipping date will be eligible for the Golden Ticket, Good Luck!!

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