Rampage Toys's Massive Mound of Monsters for DesignerCon!
But that doesn't mean there won't be purchase limits. "Persons with normal badges may buy 2 large items and small items (one of each) to their liking," according to Jon M. "Persons with vendor badges may only buy 1 large item and small items (one of each) to their liking. Anybody wishing to buy additional items is asked to check back in a bit later; after the show is rolling along a bit, and everyone has had their chance." Then, on Sunday, everyone can buy 1 remaining item of their choice. But what's he bringing?
- Saturday
- • Hawaii Revenge Kesagake (with Necromancer Omake): $300 each
- • RAMPAGE x GEEK Skull Minotaur (these things are BIG and come with an AXE!): $300 each
- • HAG DX (Final release run): $200 each
- • Alien X (Micro run on bright pink vinyl): $200 each
- • RAMPAGE x KONATSU Tank Cats (Micro Negora riding a tank!): $20 each
- • RAMPAGE x Grumble Toy Tiny Tuff (with blue jeans attire!): $10 each
- • DCON 2016 Colorway Ugly Unicorn: $40 each
- • DCON 2016 Colorway Uglier Unicorn: $40 each
- • DCON 2016 Colorway Ugly Onicorn (with holographic sticker and Konatsu designed header): $50 each
- Sunday
- • Blank Red Revenge Kesagake (with 4 figure omake set): $300 each
- • Blank Tiny Tuff Tank Riders (RT x GT): $10 each
- • Blank Milky vinyl Uglier Unicorns: $30 each
- • RAMPAGE paint RT x Gravy Morel Black: $60 each
- • BRODAR FEST (maybe - TBD)
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