Moahh moahh!!! Thump! Clonk! Kwaii tramples over the grassy plains and the cabbage fields looking for a home. Up there on the mountain? Down there by the stream? He turns over every stone and rounds every corner, even though he knows this land does not want him. But what does he feel on his horns? One bird? Now two? Kwaii sits and rests. He hasn’t been this happy in a long time because instead of finding a home Kwaii has become one.
Thus the story of "Kwaii" begins, his horned head becoming what some might call an "Animal Parade," an appropriate name since it's also the title of the above-pictured piece by
coarse. Produced by
JPX, this edition is the first 3½-inches tall version to employ gradient color fades, a light blue giving way to dark blue at the feet. Having all the earmarks of a quick sellout — adorable and affordable — these will be made available for preorder on Friday, November 25th, 2016 at 9:09pm Pacific time from the
Playhouse online store for the earlybird price of ฿920 (approx. $25) apiece.
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