TEXAS... more specifically all you folk in and around Austin,
SprATX Gallery will be hosting the one and only
Cody Schibi in what he is calling 'WE ALL WEAR MASKS'... a rad new solo art show that is set to open this Friday, October 14th! "
When 11-year-old Edward can't find that perfect, one-of-a-kind, Halloween costume, he is spontaneously gifted a mask from his strange, reclusive neighbor, "Old Man" Baker. When Edward puts the mask on & peers through the eyeholes, his sight is altered in a very odd manner. Instead of seeing the everyday "normal" smiles & friendly gestures of random people, he sees their true forms dripping with anxiety, awkwardness, depression, confusion, anger, sadness, fear, etc.. Edward wonders why the majority of people cover their true selves, emotions & forms with fake appearances. After the mask begins to reveal people's true character, he understands the desire for some to disguise them. But others he finds more beautiful without the masks which they hide behind." In this exhibit, those attending will see what Edward sees as he strips away the masks we all wear every day which hide how we truly look and feel... so yeah... this is going to be amazing! Be sure to hit it up in person, you won't be disappointed!
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